The Online Networking Event bringing
together the development community

Special Info Pack

The all inclusive package to boost your career in the International Development.

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Special Info Pack

One membership, 4 features.

Alerts for Contracts & Shortlists

Customised email alerts on shortlisted and contracted companies

Alerts for Project & In-house Vacancies

Customised email alerts to apply for vacant positions


Organisations’ evaluation and scoring system.


CV data checking

Alerts for Contracts & Shortlists

Alerts for Contracts & Shortlists

The Contracts & Shortlists alerts feature informs you as soon as a contract award or shortlist notice matching your interests is out. You get access to the organisations’ profiles with their contact details and profile and you can directly get in touch with them.

Alerts for Project & In-House Vacancies

Alerts for Project & In-House Vacancies

With the Project Vacancies alerts you are timely informed on vacant positions for short or long-term assignments for specific projects on field. Through the In-House Vacancies alerts you are informed when an organisation is recruiting internal staff. You can apply directly to candidate for the vacancies of your choice.



The Scoring feature enables you to score the organisations you have worked for and see the scores given by other experts. When you receive a vacancy from an organisation or when you see a shortlist or a contract award, check the scoring of the organisation before deciding to contact it.

The scoring is anonymous
The scoring is anonymous (your name will never be shown) and covers the following criteria:
  • Fairness in the financial package
  • Respect of the contractual terms (contract with the expert)
  • Quality in communication with the expert
  • Project technical backstopping, incl. capacity to identify good short term experts
  • Project financial backstopping
  • Project administrative & logistics backstopping


The Certification feature guarantees the authenticity of the data provided on your CV. Upon your agreement, Assortis will check your diplomas with the respective academic institutions and your employment certificates with your contractors.

Get all these benefits with our Special Info Pack

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